Thursday, May 13, 2010

tyring my hand at it...

i visited polyvore the other day and just had to try my hand at the challenge/contest of the day: creating a mother's day outfit for your mom. here's what i came up with...

well, maybe not for my mom-but someone's mama!
then, i couldn't stop myself...just for fun here are two more looks. 

if you can't tell, i love creating fashion looks.  i am actually a visual merchandiser- part time, but don't get the opportunity to work much with women's apparel.  this lets me get all my creative energy out. so much fun!


  1. You are a polyvore whiz! Love this...and I have that "LOVE" paper weight in silver, sitting on my desk right next to my monitor...xx

  2. so i LOVE polyvore as well hahaha great outfits that you came up with one fine day us cousins need to get fab'd up and make others think DAMN who are they?Celebs?! hahaha and ummm i wish you wouldve told me you had a blog baby jeaus that is awesome lovs it

  3. I get so carried away with polyvore! Isn't is so fun? I'm love love loving that third stylish!
